Strawberry and Mint Smoothie with Sweet Beets

IG Series: A delicious and vibrant smoothie bowl with a refreshing twist - sweet beets and mint leaves are blended with strawberries and almond milk for even more nourishment than your traditional smoothie. 

*Photo via my Instagram @8thandlake*

Strawberry-and-Mint-Smoothie-with-Sweet-Beets |

As I write this, it’s early in the am, but not as early as I would like, seeing as my fourth generation iPhone just died on me in the night for the third consecutive time. With grey clouds looming above the garden and quiet rain trickling past the window, I see that it’s hardly a morning fit for a smoothie. But in a way, having a smoothie, a big beautiful vibrant bowl of whipped fruit right before my eyes, perks up even the most gloomy of days, if even for the quiet five minutes it takes to eat one. So there you have it, no long post here today as I’m writing this in real time. It’s a rainy Saturday in San Francisco and I have a bright pink smoothie bowl in front of me waiting to be devoured. And you could too - you just need some fruit and a blender, and a little bit of peaceful rain.

Happy weekend you guys.

Serves: 1 

Prep Time: 2 minutes | Cook Time: 2 minutes

Ingredients for the Strawberry and Mint Smoothie:

- 1 frozen banana

- 3/4 - 1 cup frozen strawberries

- 1 small handful of mint leaves

- 1 - 1 & 1/2 cups almond milk (recipe here)

- 1 small skinless raw or cooked beet (cooked will be a little sweeter)

- 1 teaspoon maca powder or favorite plant-protein powder (optional)


Simply mix everything into a high-speed blender and mix until smooth and creamy.

4-Strawberry-and-Mint-Smoothie-with-Sweet-Beets |

Similar Recipe!

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How Do You Like It?

What's your favorite smoothie combo? Do you guys use bananas as the base of your smoothie most times? Did you know that you can actually use a frozen zucchini in it's place!? If you try it, let me know how it goes by commenting below! 

Hope you guys enjoy this smoothie, especially as the warm weather comes for us and herbs are at their peak season :) Be sure to tag me on Instagram - #8thandlake - so I can see your lovely creations! There's nothing I love more than seeing your photos and recreations of the meals you find here. Thats what they're here for :) 

You can also find me on Snapchat with more photos and clips of my everyday life - username - marie8thandlake

Lots of love from the West Coast,

xx M