Blueberry Carrot Cake Oatmeal

Enjoy breakfast and dessert all in one bowl with this decadent Blueberry Carrot Cake Oatmeal recipe! Who said you couldn’t have carrot cake in 10 mins?

I adore carrot cake and I adore oatmeal. And breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. So for this recipe, I thought how clever it would be to blend the two and create the most delicious, out of this world, Blueberry Carrot Cake Oatmeal! Perfect for any time of the day ;)

Each night as I tuck into bed and slip into dreamland, one of my last thoughts is, “damn I can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow.”

Anyone else?!

It’s a pleasure, it’s a joy and it’s one of my most beloved moments of the day.

Just me, Elio, some light Bossa Nova music playing softly in the background, and one big warming bowl of blueberry carrot cake oatmeal perfuming the entire house in an aroma so classic that it must be carrot cake. Heaven.

And this could be your morning too…

We’re putting a new spin on the classic ‘carrot cake’ by upping its ingredients to ones that are even more nourishing than before! And for that we have our gorgeous California Giant Blueberries! Blueberries are one of my favorite berries to play with as they can either camouflage and blend into the flavors of a dish or they can stand out adding their own flair.

Not only do the blueberries complement the cake flavor, but as they stew down, they burst open with a robust sweetness that melts so wonderfully into the oatmeal carrot cake. It’s a fantastic pairing.

Marie Antoinette was right, you can have your cake and eat it too, even for breakfast…in the form of this abundant oatmeal ;)


xx M

A Big Thank You To California Giant Berry Farms For Partnering With Us On This Delicious Recipe Video! Your Support Means The World And I’m So Glad We’re Able To Showcase Just How Delicious Your Berries Are All Year Long!