Advice: Snack Foods for Traveling

Tips for traveling with food, snacking, and what and how to pack while on the road. Raw energy bites, apricot bars and kale salad recipes are quick snacks perfect for a road trip or plane ride!

One of the most questions people ask is what types of foods to bring when traveling – which foods hold well on long plane rides, road trips or even during a commute to work.  As much as I love traveling, staying healthy and not giving into the middrive-hunger-pull-over-to-the-nearest-gas-station-to-“use-the-bathroom”, means that I like to plan ahead. Experimenting with healthy snacks is great as many of them are quick, easy and can be whipped up the night before your travels – leaving you with a stress free evening.

 Prep the Night Before

What works for me is to start planning a few days before a long trip. Since I don’t want to be overwhelmed the night before I leave, I like to make all my snacks two nights before. Early that week I’ll scan my pantry to see if I have everything I need to make my favorites. If not, its no big deal as many of these recipes can be adapted for whatever nuts, seeds or grains you have on hand! Depending on how long you’re traveling for, add in a few extra snacks and meals that are easy to transport and that don’t need refrigeration.

Road trip

If you’re planning a road trip bring lots of snacks and water! I guarantee that not just a bag of nuts and fruit will tide you over. During most road trips I get that mindless eating hunger that strikes mid-drive and if you get this too its much better to have satisfying and delicious snacks at your side!

This is why it’s so important for me to make my energy balls and apricot bars! If I’m pressed for time I'll have the apricot bars as a breakfast since they are filled with hearty apricots, oats, bananas and a sweet mingling of honey and cinnamon – absolutely delicious! I also love to pack away my nutella energy balls – they are a great little snack, only taking 5 minutes to make and keeps you so full - thanks to all the plant protein and fiber! Both recipes are simple and filled with goodness that will keep you satisfied during your ride. Since I always crave sweets, I’ll throw in a few juicy dates and pack my chocolate covered figs stuffed with almonds. This recipe couldn’t be easier as you’re just melting chocolate, stuffing with an almond and letting it freeze for 30 minutes. It’s my favorite sweet treat that also doubles as a healthy snack.

 Plane or a Train

If I’m traveling by plane or train I’ll pack something more substantial since my hands are free from driving. I’ll pack a massaged kale salad and the snacks I take on road trips to keep full and satisfied. Every time I go on a plane I make a batch of my kale salad. I usually rotate which recipe I make depending on the length of the flight. If it’s a long trip across seas I’ll pack the heartier Spring Kale Salad as its filled with creamy guacamole, brown rice, vegetables and a tahini dressing. If I’m traveling only a few hours away I’ll make a version of my Perfect Summer Salad. I love bringing two serving sizes of the kale salad on the plane so I don’t have to eat the food that they serve, which is always filled with excess sodium and preservatives.  I store the kale salad in a tupperware container and keep it in the refrigerator until I leave for my trip. Massaged kale is great as it holds well since the leaves are so sturdy that after a few days they will soften with the dressing and be perfect for the time you leave. 

Along with the kale salad and fresh fruit I like to make my own little blend of trail mix - handful of dates, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, dried mulberries or any dried fruits, and chocolate  which is always a great combination.


 Bring Water

Staying hydrated is also extremely important for your health, especially when you travel. Traveling can be very taxing on your body and proper hydration is just as important as eating healthy. Airports nowadays have a free water station so I’ll bring an empty bottle along to fill up so that I don’t have to spend an astronomical price for one inside – saving that money for great foods during your travels!

I hope you enjoyed these tips and that they fuel you into a better, more enjoyable, start to your vacations! 

Also thank you guys so much for tagging me on instagram showing me your 8th and lake creations! Its been so fun seeing all your beautiful photos - really makes my day :) You can find me at #8thandlake!

xx Marie